Loomis Fountain, 1903Loomis Fountain, 1903 In 1901 Mrs. Euphemia Loomis established a fund to erect a public fountain in memory of her husband Hezekiah B. Loomis, one of the founders of Loomis Chaffee School. Architect Herbert Hale of Boston designed the fountain and selected the pink granite from a quarry in Quincy, MA. He supervised the quarrying, carving, and delivery of the stone to its site in the center of Broad Street Green. The Town of Windsor accepted the gift of the fountain and provided the water supply. Over the years various community groups have contributed trees and flowers to beautify this "place of rest for the tired wayfarer." In 1983 the Windsor Exchange Club raised over $36,000 to renovate the fountain and its surroundings as their contribution to the Town's 350th anniversary celebrations. Learn more by examining the papers of designer Herbert Hale in the Hayden Collection at the Windsor Historical Society. Copyright 2015 Windsor Historical Society.