Stony Hill SchoolThe school you see today is the third building known by that name. The original Stony Hill School was built in 1778 on the east side of the street. About 1850, the school was auctioned to Henry Capen for $68.62, and he erected a new school on the same site. In 1899 when Dr. Erastus Case built his house on the property, the title to the school transferred to him. Since he didn't want a school in his front yard, he donated 0.2 acres on the west side of the street to the town. Case had the school dismantled and rebuilt it in the current location with a stipulation that it be turned back to his heirs if not used for school purposes for a 6 year period. The school closed in 1969 and the controversy over ownership went on until 1985 when the Town paid the Case heirs $16,500 for the property. A group, led by Bob Geisel, formed the "Friends of Stony Hill School" and worked hard to preserve the old one-room schoolhouse for future generations. © Windsor Historical Society