Roger Ludlow SchoolIn 1893, with the creation of Windsor's Third School District, a new two-story brick building was built on the corner of Bloomfield Avenue and Spring Street. It was named for Roger Ludlow, of one of the original settlers of Windsor. Roger Ludlow drafted Connecticut's Fundamental Orders, considered by many to be the first written constitution for a self-governing group of people. The high school moved to the upper floors from the Union Academy, and a hall for public exercises was situated on the lower floor. A four-room addition was erected on Spring Street in 1913. The elementary students moved here from the Union School and now all grades through high school were in one building. In 1920 due to overcrowding, a two-room portable school was in use until the high school students moved to John Fitch High School in 1922. In 1956, Roger Ludlow School was sold to St. Gabriel's Church Corporation, which opened a 200-pupil parochial school that is still in existence today, with an eight-room addition added in 1960. © Windsor Historical Society.