Washington ParkIn 1854, "Factory Pond,” was created to supply water for Sequassen Woolen Company. When the factory burned down in 1871, H. Sidney Hayden started using Factory Pond. He started a water works called "Crystal Springs", installing pipes and mains from Factory Pond to Windsor's town center for hydrants and fire protection. The demand for water grew and what had been Factory Pond was how needed for drinking water. This reservoir served Windsor's water needs until the turn of the century. In 1915, the Windsor Fire District purchased the water rights. The reservoir provided Windsor's water needs until 1930 when Metropolitan District became the new town water supplier. During the Depression, men worked for $3.00 a day to build a park with amenities. Because 1932 was the 200th anniversary of George Washington's birth, it was decided to name the park after him. © Windsor Historical Society